Religious Education (RE)
RE Curriculum Documents
RE Curriculum Overview
RE unit summary and links
RE Intent, Implementation and Impact
RE Policy
RE at Fairlop
At Fairlop, our programme for RE follows the guidelines set out in the ‘Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2021-26, LB Redbridge & LB Havering’.
The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils:
- know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews;
- express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews; and
- gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews.
We take account of two important aspects of RE:
- Learning about different religions in the world and local community (exploration).
- Learning from the insights of these spiritual traditions and reflecting on how these insights may have some relevance for one’s own life (response).
The scheme of work for each year group contains the following units:
- A unit identifying a key aspect of Christianity.
- Two units focusing on one of the other principal religions widely represented in the Redbridge community: Special people in our lives (Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS), Christianity (Year 1); Christianity and Islam (Year 2); Hinduism (Year 3); Judaism (Year 4); Islam (Year 5) and Sikhism (Year 6).
- A thematic unit which draws material from a range of religious traditions and/or human experiences.
- Units or sessions based on celebration, festival and community
RE offers distinctive opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. RE lessons offer a structured and safe space during curriculum time for reflection. Teaching in RE should engage pupils in discussion, dialogue and debate which enables them to make their reasoning clear and which supports their cognitive and linguistic development. RE makes a key contribution supporting schools to promote ‘British values’ and to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. Teaching in RE lessons also allows for timely and sensitive responses to be made to unforeseen events of a religious, moral or philosophical nature, whether local, national or global.
RE folders are provided for each child and will progress through the years with them. The folders will show a progression of RE knowledge and skills. Where relevant, RE written pieces will be combined with English lessons. This is to deepen children’s knowledge in order that they are able to confidently apply their skills across the curriculum and the high-quality writing outcomes produced by pupils in their literacy work are mirrored in their RE writing.