Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance Information
Attendance & Punctuality
Fairlop’s Attendance Aims
At Fairlop, we believe that for our pupils to achieve a good standard of academic and social success they need to attend school on a regular basis. It is our aim that all children at Fairlop will achieve at least 96% attendance.
Our school aims to meet its obligations with regards to school attendance by:
- ensuring every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are entitled;
- acting early to address patterns of absence;
- promoting good attendance and punctuality through parental responsibility.
As parents/carers, you are legally responsible for ensuring your children of statutory school age receive a suitable full-time education.
Please contact our attendance office, Jo Dawson, if you have any queries regarding attendance or punctuality.
Attendance Policy
We adopt the Redbridge recommended Attendance Strategy
Reception to Year 6 - The children’s entrances to school are opened at 8.55am and children should go directly to their classes. Teaching begins promptly at 9.00am by which time all children should be in school. School staff are on duty in the playground from 8.55am.
Pre-School - Parents should take children directly into the Pre-School at 9.00am.
Please ensure that your child arrives at school at the correct time. It is very disruptive for staff and pupils when a child arrives late as much key work is covered during the first half hour of teaching time. Children need to be aware that punctuality and general good timekeeping are disciplines for life. After the register is taken at 9.00am, children are marked ‘late’. Children who arrive more than 30 minutes after the beginning of the school day are recorded as ‘absent’. Punctuality is also monitored by the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) and penalty notices are issued following regular lateness.
Absences for exceptional circumstances will be authorised for a maximum of 3 days, and do not include holidays (see section below).
Unauthorised absences may lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice or legal action following discussion with our Education Welfare Officer, in line with our policy.
Absences immediately before or after a school holiday
If your child is absent before or after a school holiday, we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical absence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice.
Children who are unwell
Please do not send your child to school if s/he is unwell, but phone the school on the first day of absence. If a child becomes unwell during the day we will contact you if they have a raised temperature, have been physically sick or obtained an injury that requires a hospital visit.
Childhood Illness - Please view the NHS guidance on whether your child can attend school if they are unwell.
Minor accidents and injuries are dealt with by a trained member of staff and recorded in the Accident Book. All accidents and injuries suffered at school are reported to and monitored by the Governing Body.
The school is able, in special circumstances, to administer prescribed medication to children. The parent/carer must complete the appropriate form available from the school office. The school may administer non-prescription medications i.e. antihistimes / Calpol / Ibuprofen / eczema creams as long as the medication is clearly labelled and only used by that individual child. Asthma inhalers are stored in the classroom or welfare room. Eye drops, eardrops or nasal sprays cannot be administered by staff members but supervision can be given if the child can self-administer. All administered medication is logged and all medication is stored in a lockable, but accessible, cupboard in the Welfare room.
All unused medicines, including out of date auto injectors, willbe returned to the parent / carer.
If you need to collect your child from school for a medical appointment, a note to the school office is required to that effect. On these occasions, please leave school via the main office to ‘sign out’ your child. Please bring your child into school either side of an appointment is possible.
Term Time Holidays
Family holidays must always be taken out of term time. Fairlop follows the Redbridge LA policy of zero tolerance for holidays in term time and holidays will not be authorised other than in very exceptional circumstances. The EWO monitors absences and penalty notices are issued for holidays/extended absences taken in term time. Any requests for absence should be made in writing to the Headteacher.